There are presently no open calls for submissions.
REVOLUTE is a literary magazine of the Randolph College MFA. Submissions are accepted each year from September 15th through November 15th.
General Guidelines
Revolute reads poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and microreview submissions during one submission period each fall. If a genre button is missing from the submit list during our submission window, it's because we've filled our monthly quota in that genre.
For prose, send 1 story (or flash fiction) or 1 essay per submission, up to 6,000 words. For poetry, send up to 3 poems. We also welcome poetry comics, photo poems, video poems, erasures, etc. For micro book reviews, please send a review of 300 words or less. We welcome reviews of new and underappreciated work.
Revolute pays $50 per accepted work of fiction, nonfiction, micro book review and per acceptance of up to three poems.
Simultaneous submissions are welcome. Please notify on Submittable immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Graduates of Randolph MFA may submit five years after graduating from the program. For Microreviews, there is no wait period.
Previously published work will not be considered. Contributors retain all rights but are asked to acknowledge Revolute as first publisher if the work appears in books, anthologies, or elsewhere. Please submit once per reading period. Response times will vary between 1-3 months.
Feel free to email revolute (at) randolphcollege (dot) edu with any questions. We are a seasonal MFA publication, so response times vary, especially over the summer.
Thank you for sharing your work with us!
- The Revolute Team